Saturday, March 23, 2013

Januaury 03, 2013

There are 45 minutes left to my shift and it’s been a busy night.  After I had time to calm down and sleep yesterday, I felt fine. I don’t know why I had the reaction that I had. I felt very small and childish. Sometimes I think too hard about what I am feeling and looking for the origin instead of just allowing myself to feel what I am feeling. I spent years numbing all of my feelings so when I started recovery I had to begin to identify my feelings. I usually felt “good” or “bad” but couldn’t identify them.
    Tonight I am very sore physically. My back, hips, neck, shoulders and sides are very sore for some reason. I feel very stiff. I think it is because my power is changing. When a person has been of a certain mindset and it changes, the body reacts and adapts to it. As my body adapts to it I become tired and sore.
     I am also rereading one of the best books I have ever read. I am a Buddhist and one of the things I always focus on is the fact the there should be no attachments. The two things that cause harm and pain are attachment and aversion. For a very long time I saw no attachments as meaning I was to be aloof. This is not the case. Nonattachment to self and your views is something different than detachment. It means not trying to force yourself to be one single, solid, unchangeable thing forever. In terms of people, you have a relationship to them but it is important not to be too attached to the form a relationship may have had in the past. But it is also important to make that relationship the best it can be right now. Wow!!! What enlightenment for me.
   So what am I feeling right now? Right now I am smiling because it is 5:23 in the morning and my most favorite person in the world just IM’d me and it put a smile on my face. There are butterflies in my stomach. I am also feeling pretty content and satisfied that I am searching and growing. I am also confident in my ability because I have someone strong and powerful guiding me.

January 01, 2013

It is the beginning of a new year and I have been doing much reflecting. I have struggled with a lot of things this past year and have been seeking my truth so that I may honor it. I have done a lot of soul searching to find out who I really am. When I began this journey six years ago, I had to start with finding out who I was not and taking a look at what was left.
   I think often times people confuse who they would like to be with you they actually are. I put on so many masks to present to the world. I wanted people to see me a certain way. I spent many years working on the outside of me. If people saw someone well polished and put together on the outside, they would never look deeper and find out what a piece of shit I really was on the inside.
     Since I was a child I learned not to trust. I fought for self-sufficiency. I didn’t know that self-sufficiency was a lie. I learned that I could depend on no one and the only thing that I was good for was to allow men the use of my body. Eventually, I learned to please a man quickly because that meant the pain would end. I built a wall around myself. I don’t know if it was to keep people out or to see if anyone cared enough to get past it. So far, no one has. I fear being hurt. I fear putting my feelings out there and being rejected. I have always had the belief that it is better not to care about anyone or get close to anyone than to be hurt.
   What I am thinking about lately is the fact that, although, I have not experienced deep hurt in quite some time, I have not experienced real joy either. I have children and I even keep them at a distance emotionally and physically. I never saw them as people, but merely extensions of myself.
    I want to feel joy, intensity, love, passion, trust, affection and hope. I don’t like the unknown. I don’t want people to take advantage of my kindness or laugh at me. More importantly, I don’t want to be rejected. I am feeling hope today, but also a lot of fear. I don’t want to have feelings for anyone and then be left alone.
    I want freedom,  but what I really need is freedom from myself. I don’t know how to achieve that. Is following some directions given by another my path to freedom? I want to submit mind, body and soul. I want to belong to something bigger than myself. I am afraid that I am not capable.

Before you ask me your favorite question I thought I would journal how I feel.  I feel angry and no, I don’t know why. I feel almost petulant. I feel very much like a little girl right now and that is not a good feeling. I have tears in my eyes. I don’t know why so please don’t ask. I feel very raw and vulnerable. I even feel like a fool. I feel powerless and weak.

December 29, 2012

   I am feeling so emotional and confused right now. First of all, I am out of my Prozac and don’t have the money to get more right now. I don’t have the money for anything because hours are short at work because of the holidays. I didn’t even get to get my children anything for Christmas. At least the girls got something from their dad and their grandparents. Taurus got something from his girlfriend and his step-mom. Diamond did not get anything at all and I am feeling extreme guilt and shame. How is this any better than when I was using?
     Beautiful Bobby died early this morning and he will be missed by many. He touched the lives of so many people and helped many addicts get and stay clean. I will miss him.
     I am also trying to find myself through submission. Am I trying to find myself or is this another way to put responsibility for my life on someone else? How do I know when I have found the right person? Today I feel used and taken advantage of. I am feeling overly sensitive and emotional.

December 22, 2012

    I went to two celebrations today in NA. One was for nine years clean and the other for 10. It was a wonderful feeling to see that the program works and that people have changed their lives and found a new way to live. Tonight I got a little tearful. It is customary when we celebrate clean time that our families or someone special is there to show their support and give us our medallion. I burnt a lot of bridges in active addiction and many of those bridges I have not been able to repair.  It was somewhat of a lonely feeling tonight and a reminder of how I chose to live my life for so long. I have to recognize that the very people I want there are not there because at some point, I turned my back on them. I think that is one appeal of a poly family…to have my own family.

   I thought of calling a sub tonight to spend time with but that felt empty. Sometimes I just want someone who accepts me and loves me for me to come home to. I want to be part of something bigger than myself. I could call someone and have company here within the hour. I might even have decent sex and someone to ease that lonely feeling for a short time. But in the end, I end up feeling lonelier than before.
   There are many times I wish I were someone other than who I am. I wish I had been born or raised normal and that I could be content with what I have been blessed with instead of focusing on what I don’t have. It is the Saturday before Christmas and I could be the type of mom sitting here wrapping presents and baking cookies with my children while we listen to Christmas music. That is not my truth. That is not who I am. I am not the mothering, nurturing type. I long to be, but even when I do manage to do these things, I feel like a fraud.

    The holidays have always been difficult for me. I feel alone but it is because I emotionally detach from people. I am alone due to my own decisions and actions, but it still doesn’t feel good. I am tired of thinking, planning and being a prisoner of my own mind. I long for someone else to lead me and all I have to do is follow directions. Someone else could surely lead my life better than I am capable.

December 17, 2012

It has been a long and emotional weekend and I feel the need to put my thoughts down in black and white. I was very upset a few weeks ago when I found out that my 15 year old daughter was pregnant and not only is she pregnant, but it was intentional. I thought about the hardship I will face and the difficulty she has placed on herself. Since her pregnancy we have grown closer and I am beginning to see her as her own person with her own personality. She is really growing up and blossoming. It also made me realize how important family is. Family is not something I have ever placed value in. I talk about all of the family who turned their backs on me and not having family, but I fail to mention the family I have turned my back on. I have four children and have only raised one. I love all of them differently. My son is my heart and I have many regrets. My 15 year old is my biggest frustration, but I love her dearly. We are exactly alike and that scares me. My nine year old is my most intelligent and also the most judgemental. She has a big heart, but has this unrealistic sense of right and wrong. I feel inadequate when I am around her. My five year old has such a bright spirit and I am afraid her father will dim that spirit and try to break her. I want to be a good mother and a nurturer, but I am not sure how. I want to parent as I see fit and not have her father and grandmother tell me how. I want to feel good enough. I also feel selfish and  self-centered.  I don’t know how to just stay at home and be present with my children when they come to visit. I want to see people, have people over, go places and don’t want the interruption. I know that sounds awful, but it is my truth. I have always done better when I am dating someone and the weekend seems like a traditional family think. Like two of us taking the kids to the zoo or movies. When I am single and alone, my children suffer.

    I only want to be loved and accepted. I want that happily ever after. I want Love. I know I will not find these things in my lifetime. I rebel against conformity. Since I am not capable of conforming, my objective is to stand out. I know this is not making any sense, but they are my thoughts. I seek attention and affection and trust no one. I don’t want to be hurt, but I want to be close to someone without taking a risk. When I find someone who wants to give me everything I want so easily, I lose respect. I am looking for the perfect person and the perfect relationship. My daughter told me this weekend that I am not relationship material. That I can get a million, but cannot sustain one. I seem happier not being in one, but seem to be constantly searching for one. Once I get it, I don’t want it anymore. I will find something wrong with every single person in my life. I don’t know why I do that.

Insight Into Me

My fears are all self-centered, self-obsessed in nature. I fear never being free. I fear financial insecurity. I remember when I was young, we were so poor that my mother’s boyfriend made us pancakes every night. He would cover them in syrup because it was filling. To this day, I don’t eat syrup. I fear being financially dependent on a man. I actually fear being dependent on anyone for any reason.  I always want to be unique and stand out in the crowd.  I am the only woman in a room of men, or the only white person in a room of blacks, or the only straight person in a room of lesbians, or vice versa. I want to be the only Buddhist in a church of Christians. I am the one who says what I think regardless of who is around or where I am. I am a woman, but far from a lady. I rebel against conformity, but all I want is acceptance. I rebel against organized religion, but I am a Buddhist with a belief in God. I love Buddhism because I value compassion, yet I continually want to inflict harm. I fear something happening to my children, but only because it would reflect badly on me as a mother.  My fear is that I will never be free of this self-made prison. I will never be whole. I fear that I am sick and losing my mind. I fear I will never experience the very normalcy I rebel against. I will never find love or be able to give it. I fear being alone. I have cannot receive pleasure. I don’t know how. I also don’t allow it. When a man tries to please me I take control. I can’t allow myself to be vulnerable in front of a man. Being at the peak of orgasm is when you are most vulnerable. I have never orgasmed from normal sex. If it doesn’t involve me being in control or my fantasies, I can’t get off. I want to be able to experience vanilla sex and enjoy it. I want to allow sex to be an expression of some other feeling than rage. I am insecure and needy.   
   I desire many things….my education, my health, my spirituality. I desire to grow. I desire personal freedom.  I desire financial security and I desire intimacy. True intimacy. I want to be able to live in the present, let go of the past and stop letting it predict my future. I want to know who I am. I want to know my worth. I want to believe that my worth does not lie in the apex of my thighs, or what I can do for someone. I want people to realize that just by being, I am worthy. I am an incredible woman. I want self-sufficiency. I want to feel whole. I want to be independent. I want to be able to sit back once in a while and let someone take care of me. I want to be able to let someone inside of my head like I am doing with you right now. I want to be accepted instead of people trying to “fix” me. I am crying as I write this and I don’t know why.  I want to have someone stronger than me. I need to have someone who knows me better than I know myself. Someone who can push me, but knows when to back off. I need someone who can temper pleasure with pain, physical and mental. If I am more dominant than a man I will take advantage and will instantly lose respect. I will see them as weak and I know this is not reality, but it is the way my mind works.  I do not give respect, nor am I submissive unless it is demanded of me. I like to clearly know my role in any given relationship. I want reassurance.
    I lust after big, strong black men. I have a thing for dominant black men. They make me feel safe. I grew up not feeling safe and now safety is of paramount importance. I surround myself with felons, because I am safer with them. Some would lay down their life for me. I get off on the feeling of power and control. I demand loyalty and respect at all times. I will con and manipulate to get it. I lust after soft, curvy, naïve white women whom I can dominate and control. My rape fantasies go both ways. I am the victim and I am the aggressor. There is sexual power even in being submissive. I love romance, I love being spontaneous. I love a night out or a night in on the couch watching movies. I love gentleness but I have more respect for dominance. I get off on fear, but respect the fearless. I want someone to love me and cherish me and take care of me and adore me. I want someone to CHOOSE me

Where is God?

        I have been told that strength comes from within and power comes from our creator. What I have found to be true is that real strength and power come from surviving  trials and tribulations.  I am a woman of strong character and faith today.  I was abused and then abandoned by my mother.  I have never met my father. I grew up in a series of foster homes that were meant to protect. I was full of animalistic rage, pain, and confusion. I began cutting and burning myself at a young age. The feelings of powerlessness were overwhelming. My first experience with alcohol left me numb and I chased that feeling for more than 20 years. 
      Laying on my back in an alley had me crying out to God for help. 
                                 “Oh God, please help me or let me die!”  
          There is an odor of diesel fuel and body fluids. I look at the pillow of hair on his chest as I feel the weight of shame on top of me. Desperation pulses like a sexual energy in the air. I am surrounded by the smell of dust and wet cardboard and sounds of feral children. I am filled with shame and degradation. 
 I need one more fix. I chase the high, the feeling of immortality. It is a mixed feeling of power and
inferiority. I stare at the thick fence between the church and the alley, covered in grime and moss. That fence symbolizes the barrier between myself and the God of my childhood.  I cry out for God to save me, from addiction, from myself.
        I am a junkie and I can’t stop using drugs even though they stopped getting me high long ago.   I felt his hand across my face with a sharp crack.  “Tell me you like it, you white bitch! Take this dick!” I pray he finishes quickly, not because of the pain, but because of the sickness. I have to get right and soon. I am dopesick.  I need a hit or the cramps will come, the nausea will be unending.
HE is  nameless, faceless, just one more man  to represent a means to an end; prostituting for more dope.   I lay pale, bleeding and resigned.  I am on the asphalt behind Mr. Jessup’s Butcher Shop on a sunny, July afternoon. I felt the desperation of an addict using against her will.
I survived on foxhole prayers and gas station rendezvous. I am emaciated and my lips are blistered from smoking crack. My hair is stuck up like little, yellow maggots. A halo of gnats dance around my head.
     Was this the life I was destined for? Did I ever stand a chance? I am the victim of rage, neglected, bruised and broken.  There is the sour smell of fear induced sweat and urine permeating the air. There's a tightness in my chest.  I am the survivor of abuse.
 My mother’s boyfriend began raping me at the age of seven. His touch hurt. My small body stretching, probing fingers, rough hands, grabbing…piercing pain, red hot. The lesson taught from a very young age was that this was my worth. This was a lie I let define me. Where was God then?  I am the result of promiscuity, the result of a lesson my mother also learned well. She believed her worth lay in the apex of her thighs and taught me the same.
     I am a volunteer of self-loathing, self-pity and self-obsession. I found blessed numbness in the bottom of a bottle, and found emotional regulation in a pill. I am a drug addict dominated by self-centered fear.
There is so much more to me than my addiction. My bottom has a trap door. I am filled with disillusion and near death. I am a criminal without a record, a champion of the untouchables. I am a woman, but far from a lady. I am a Buddhist with a belief in God; a practicing Buddhist, not the bookstore variety.
     As I lay on the ground with his body fluids running down my thighs, I knew I had to find help. There had to be a way out. I prayed every night that God would not allow be to see daylight. I cursed God every morning for the failed prayer. I was slowly killing myself and had alienated everyone I knew. I didn’t want to get high anymore, but I didn’t know how to stop.  I wanted to want to live.    
     I married  and thought that marriage would save me. It would fill the void inside of me.  I wanted something positive to define me. I thought that being a wife and mother would do just that. I would have a family of my own. I would belong to someone and someone would love me and I would never feel alone again. Who he was never mattered. He was a means to an end. I fell in the love with the idea of who I thought he could be, not who he actually was. What I got from that marriage was two beautiful daughters I turned my back on for drugs and eventually, an introduction to a 12-Step program. 
     Narcotics Anonymous gave me back my dignity and integrity. I became a parent, a better friend, a student and a valuable employee. I have a long way to go, but I have come so far. Today I am able to be of service to others and today I am a survivor, not a victim. God had never forsaken me. He was there the whole time, keeping me safe and carrying me through the horrors of active addiction. That day in the alley, God was holding my hand and weeping for my pain. I rebel against organized religion, but I have a powerful belief in my God. I will continue to work with other addicts and let them know that we do not have to be a product of our past. At some point, we have to stop being the victim and take responsibility for our own lives. 

The Lies I Told Myself

     I walked slowly home from school in the gray, slushy street.  I was sweating, even though it was 12 degrees outside.  My stomach felt like there were little hamsters in it fighting, and my throat was so tight.  It felt like someone was cutting off my air.  I couldn’t seem to catch my breath, and my tears were freezing before they could fall.  My hands were pulling at the loose strings on my coat.  Mommy would be at work by now.   As I raised my head, there he stood on the porch, just waiting and smiling at the neighbors.  No one would know by looking at him, what was going on behind closed doors.  Being raped by my mother’s boyfriend became the defining event in my life.  It shaped how I viewed myself, life, men, and relationships.
      I walked in the door and fixed my dinner.  It was Chef Boyardee and a toasted  English Muffin with peanut butter.  I wasn’t really hungry, but it was all I could think of to buy myself a little more time.   As I finished eating and putting my dishes in the sink, He came into the room.  He had a towel wrapped around his waist and said that it was bath time.  I felt the warmth of urine running down my leg and felt as if I couldn’t breathe.  I told him that I didn’t feel well, hoping that he would have some sympathy, and allow me out of my “chores.”   He smiled as he looked at me, and said “Well, how about I give you a nice, hot, bubble bath tonight.”  I knew there was no use in arguing.  I slowly shuffled my feet to the cramped bathroom, off of the kitchen. 
      Russ, my mother’s boyfriend, started grooming me at the age of seven.  Russ liked to have the attention of females at all times.  While mommy was at work, it was my job to fill in for her.  This meant I had to pour his drinks, fix his snacks, listen to his stories and we always ended with “cuddle time.” 
     We always started with a bath.  He liked when I washed him.  Then we would go to his and mommy’s bed and we played house.  He was the husband and I was the wife.  While mommy was at work, I was his special girl.
      Russ taught me to behave the way a man expected.  He taught me that my value lied in the apex of my thighs.   From him, I learned what men value most.  A man values a woman who cooks, cleans and offers her body in degrading and painful ways.  A woman was to be submissive in all things.  I had nothing else to offer, nothing of worth.  If I did what he wanted, and was a good girl, I might get a special treat.  Sometimes I got to stay up late and watch Three’s Company or had a special snack or a small new toy.  He couldn’t give me too much because mommy would get jealous.  He would tell me, “Mommy thinks she’s my special girl and she will be very angry with you if she knows you’re my real special girl.” 
    Russ never had to threaten me not to tell.  It was never verbalized at all.  The shame of my own body’s responses kept me quiet.   He would tuck me into my bed right before mommy got home and the scent of our secret would still be hovering in the air, like a heavy, dark cloud.
     What he did to me was painful.  What was more painful was what I did with it in my head.  I truly believed that my value was in my body and how much pleasure I could bring a man.  I learned to do everything just the way he liked.  When I did this, he finished much faster.  I devalued myself long after he stopped.  I told myself that I had nothing to offer, and I based my self-worth on the quality of men I could get into bed.  The more money they had, the better looking they were, and the higher their social standing, meant that I was worthy.
    I viewed all men as untrustworthy and I knew all I had to do to please a man was give him my body on demand.   I became very promiscuous.  My thinking was that if I gave away sex freely, no one would ever have the power to take it from me again.  Somewhere along the way, I realized that when a man is having sex, he is at his most vulnerable.  I would get men into bed because seeing them vulnerable, made me feel powerful.  I liked that feeling. 
       I also became a drug addict.  I discovered that drugs and alcohol numbed the pain and the rage I felt inside.  It gave me a brief reprieve from the dirtiness, guilt, and shame.   I never knew what a healthy or complete relationship looked like.
     After I had my first daughter, I left her father so that I could protect her.  In my mind, all men were predators.  I wanted my daughters to know how much they were worth.  Because of the lies I told myself, I had a mistaken perception of relationships between men and women.  I taught my daughters how to manipulate men and ensure that they remain emotionally unavailable to any man that comes along.   I taught them to take money and gifts from men.  The rule is “Never do anything for nothing.”  If a man can’t financially keep them up and spoil them, my daughters need to cut them loose.   The men should always know that they are inferior and that women are in charge.   I don’t allow men to get close to me and I use them for what I want, financially, sexually and some companionship.  I then hurt them before they can hurt me.  I lie first, cheat first and end the relationship first.   I notice my daughter’s following the same patterns. 
     I am now trying to change and allow intimacy with people in my life and I hope that my daughter’s can learn that from me as well.
     Through the lies I told myself, I have failed to model healthy relationships for my daughters and my son.  Something that happened to me 30 years ago still affects my children today.  That is the true tragedy of child abuse.  Men are not all powerful, and human beings, male or female, have so much more to offer than their bodies or what they can offer sexually or financially.  I have learned that what happened to me was not my fault and I received faulty information from a very sick man.
    Years later, after I was reunited with my mother, I learned that she placed me in foster care to keep me safe.  Financially, she was dependent on him for survival and the only other thing she knew to do was to remove me from the home. 
     The main lesson I learned, stemming from this event, is that I received false information and made decisions based on lies and passed that misinformation to my children.   I perpetuated a cycle.  It has taken 38 years to break the cycle of my thinking.  I have been a prisoner in my own mind and it is taking a lot of work to retrain my thinking and perceptions.
     Today, I have self-respect, integrity and dignity.  What I have learned is that it’s an inside job.  As long as I am okay with myself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.  I confused self-esteem with ego.  The more I acted on ego, the lower my self-esteem dropped.  I don’t have to believe those lies today.

We Complement Each Other

We Complement Each other

We don't need each other or complete each other

We complement each other

I am 5 feet one and three quarters of an inch tall

He claims to be 6 feet

I am olive complected and outgoing

He is a dark caramel and reserved

He's 6'0 and thick

Not as big and hard as he once was

Much given away to age and a spinal fusion

He's large and hard enough to make a survivor of abuse feel safe

He wears crazy like a mask

It's a defense mechanism to keep people from getting too close.

What was once an asset for survival has become a defect of character.

I fight every day to hold onto sanity.

He convinced me that we should move into a three bedroom apartment in

Whispering Pines. Living in the ghetto would help us save money for a house.

Funny, two years later we have $6.00

For an ex-drug dealer/murderer, street fighter, he's shy when it comes to sex.

It must be in a bed, at bedtime with one of three positions to choose from.

I am trisexual. I will try anything once.

He's a black republican with a tattoo of a rebel flag on his right arm

and a picture of Stonewall Jackson above the bed. His hero is Glenn Beck.

I am a democrat and my heroes are Maya Angelou and Etheridge Knight

We both love the program of Narcotics Anonymous

We are both recovering addicts trying to carry a message

He likes for me to hold his hand when he isolates and I like for him to hold mine

We complement each other.

Who Am I

Who Am I?

I am a victim of rage
Neglected, bruised and broken
The sour smell of fear induced sweat
The tightness in my chest
The rolling of my stomach
The pungent smell of urine permeating the room

I am a survivor of abuse
Her boyfriend’s touch hurts
My small body stretches
Probing fingers, rough hands, grabbing…
Piercing pain, red hot
This is my worth
A lesson well taught
This is what men want, all I am good for
A belief, a lie I would let define me

I am the result of promiscuity
She does no more than bend over and lift her skirt
An ingrained belief she couldn’t say no
This is her worth
A lesson my mother also learned well

A volunteer of self-loathing, self-pity, self-obsession
Blessed numbness in the bottom of a bottle
Emotional regulation in a pill
A drug addict dominated by self-centered fear

My bottom had a trap door
Disillusion, degradation and near death
A criminal without a record
Champion of the untouchables

I am a woman but far from a lady
A Buddhist with a belief in God
A practicing Buddhist, not the bookstore variety
A student of life, forever teachable
Forever lost and trying to find myself
This is who I am

He Dominates Me

He Dominates Me

He growls, pulling me closer
Our disagreement far from over
Oversized, callused hands on my skin
He wants me to submit
Wants my body and soul
I feel the tingle of his breath on my neck
He pushes me onto the bed
School books pushed off the bed
He never wanted me to return to school
My family’s call goes to voicemail
The flicker of the candle flames
Kissing my skin
The flick of his tongue on my slick skin
His hardness demanding submission
A fistful of my hair forces my gaze
On the intensity in his eyes
Lust and power written on his face
Hard, thick thighs pinning me down
He slowly explores my trembling body
Forcing a response
I yield to him
My second-hand negligee
Ripped, torn, discarded
He enters me with a quick thrust
Finding his rhythm
My hips rise to meet his
His seed erupts
Once again, my needs as significant
                As a geyser in an ocean

The Breaking Point

The Breaking Point

His hand across her face with a sharp crack

            Pale, bleeding and resigned.
He kicks her in the ribs and she cries out
     The mental anguish far worse that the bruise
                  The desperation of an addict using
               Against her will
                   Dope sick without it, dying with it
     Foxhole prayers and gas station rendezvous
Diesel fuel and body fluids
      Shame and degradation
                             He is a wooly mammoth lying on top of her
       The desire to lay her head on the pillow of hair on his chest
      Instead she feels thick, doughy fingers pawing at her
     There is no mistaken this for love
      A service provided for payment of some sort
One more fix.
Chase the high, immortality
     Feelings of power and inferiority
     Emaciated, dirty needles, blistered lips
     The smell of peppermint
                            Her hair sticks up like little yellow maggots
Continual fear and constant tears
      Life in the alley
      Smells like the dumpster
      Behind Mr. Jessup’s Butcher Shop
      On a sunny, July afternoon
                                 Desperation pulses like sexual energy in the air
        The halo of gnats dance around her head
      The sound of feral children close by

       The smell of dust, wet cardboard
      The crinkle of cellophane and terse, barked orders
      The warehouse workers unaware
      Slow death beyond their walls
      The thick fence between the church and the alley
      Covered in grime and moss
      Won't one person reach out and save her?

The Middle Way

                                                                    The Middle Way

I contemplate my life and all I've done
Questioning the decisions from my past
Will I observe the truth or turn and run
Praying for the courage to stand steadfast

All my moments have brought me to this place
Where I question now who I really am
Condemned by my mistakes or freed by grace
Negative force or part of love's true plan

But most is not where these answers are found
Truth manifest in who I am today
And with this I put my feet to the ground
My spirit free to walk the Middle Way
And in seeking the path I have to say
“The way is not to love, love is the way.”

A Buddhist Death

A Buddhist Death

“When I am dead, my dearest”

I shall need your help to ease my journey

My body you may not touch for three days

Please let them not move me

Do not cry or show strong emotion near my body

Keep vigil and chant so that my good energy may be released

For 49 days you will do rituals and prayers

By this the universe will be pleased.

During First Bardo I will not welcome the

Radiance of the Clean Light

During Second Bardo I will see my life in one night

It is during Third Bardo I will seek another birth

May that life be better than the first!

Detachment vs. Apathy

     I have strived for Apathy for most of my life. The definition of Apathy is lack of interest or concern. I think of apathy as a general sense of lack of feeling. In recovery, what I am learning is that Apathy is dangerous to the recovering addict. The healthy version or apathy is detachment. Detachment is the state of being objective or aloof. You see, I have a disease that affects my perception of things and I am unable to see things objectively. I don't necessarily have to be unfeeling, but instead, must be objective in my evaluation of people and situations in my life.

     What is the purpose of detachment or apathy? The purpose is to acheive a lack of pain. If I can hold on to things loosely and practice nonattachment, I can move with life instead of holding on so tightly that I am unyielding.

   There is no area that causes as much pain as relationships. Whether it be with children, a significant other or family, I tend to hold on so tightly that the people in my life feel sufficated.